Outdoor Projects, Quick Tips

Rust Proofing Metal

Here’s a quick tip on how to rust proof metal!

For Mother’s Day my family bought me a small chiminea for our patio. When we got it home I noticed that the metal pieces at the top were rusting a bit as it was sitting outside at our local nursery. After a few quick steps, I was able to take care of the rust and rust proof it so that it would last much longer.

What You Will Need

  1. Rust proofing metal spray paint
  2. Fine grit sand paper

I went ahead and removed my metal pieces from the chiminea and in the garage I took my sand paper and started to gently sand the metal to get the current rust off of the metal. If I couldn’t get it all off, I just sanded it down to where any pieces that were sticking out were nice and smooth.

Once that was done, I took my spray paint that was made to cover metal and is good for either in door or outdoor, and started to spray. I sprayed the metal in short bursts to control the amount of spray paint that went on to the metal so I wouldn’t make the paint run. I then left it to dry for about 30 minutes and came back to check on the coverage. Spraying again the areas that needed it. I then left that to try as well and once it was finished, I placed it back on the chiminea.

Good Tip: If you are using this in an area where it might get very hot, like a chiminea, I suggest getting a high heat spray paint that can withstand the heat from the fire. It shouldn’t cost more than $10ish dollars at your local hardware or big box store.

After everything dried, I loved the overall look and really enjoyed the chiminea once it was all complete! The total cost was around $10 and would have cost much more if I tried to replace the metal, if I could have been able to find a replacement at all.

Hope you enjoyed this quick tip! Stay tuned for a short video showing you all of the steps and feel free to comment to let me know your experiences in DIY rust proofing!

Check out the how to video too!

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