Outdoor Projects

LED Lights for Cornhole Boards

Have you ever been in the middle of a cornhole game and the sun starts to set? It’s the worst! You want to finish your game but it just gets too late to see the board. Well, there is now a solution! Many companies make LED lights specifically for cornhole boards. I’ve gone ahead and put several sets on and documented how to install them. It’s super simple and can be done in about 30 minutes with just a hammer and a screwdriver/drill.

How to install LED lights to a cornhole board - finished example

Here’s what you’ll need to install LED lights:

Step One: Set-up

Make sure you have a flat surface to place your cornhole boards face down. You’ll need to move the cornhole board set around a little as you hammer in the nails but other than that it’s pretty simple!

How to lay your cornhole board down on a flat surface.

Step Two: Installing the Power Pack

Once you have the board filled upside down you’ll need to install the power pack in the upper right corner per the instructions for the set I picked up. Be sure that’s what the instructions say for your LED light installation. You’ll need to install the clip first by screwing it to the board and the the power pack will snap in. This pack will take three AA batteries and will last quite a while. Next, you’ll want to go ahead and installed the lights for the hole, pre-drilling the holes, and using the provided clips and screws.

Pro Tip: Pre-drill your holes to save a lot of time and frustration! Also don’t leave the batteries in the power pack while you’re not using it. Otherwise they could erode and ruin the pack.

See how to install the LED power pack.

Step Three: Installing the Lights

Once you have the power pack and lights around the hole installed, you’ll need to start installing the LED rope light. In the pack I bought it was also attached to the power pack and looped around the leg to start (you’ll see this in my video). You’ll then start hammering in the light string using the provided clip. Mine came with the nail and clip combined.

I then systematically went around the board and put in a clip and nail about every foot. I used a informal measurement of the sides to make sure my nails were in roughly the same place on each side of the board so it would look nicer. Then once I went all the way around the board I just tucked the remaining tub into the beginning part of the set.

How to install the LED lights on the side of a cornhole board.

And that’s it! It’s super simple and easy to do but you’ll get tons of extra enjoyment out of your cornhole boards. We bought our boards for about $100 and added the paint and stain ourselves (years ago) then added these lights just recently so the total cost was about $120. To buy a fully stained and lighted set, you’re looking at $230-300+ depending upon the design you want. A savings of $100+!

Check out our installation video!

Outdoor Projects

Wicker Furniture Makeover

Like many other people, I inherited this wicker furniture set from my mother who didn’t want them any more. She asked and I, being thrifty like I am, said “Yes!” before she finished her offer. It’s not because this was a fantastic set. Frankly it’s not my style in any way shape or form but I’m a firm believer in taking something that’s still usable and updating it to fit your style rather than just going out and buying something new. I had seen the set before and I knew it was in good shape. I didn’t tell her I was going to paint it (whoops!) but knowing her, I knew she would be all for it!

Wicker furniture before and after the makeover.

What You’ll Need

  • Fine grit sand paper
  • Spray paint
  • And that’s it!

Step One: Prepping the Wicker

This step is pretty easy, you really just need to sand down the furniture especially if there are previous coats of paint. This enables the wood of the wicker to accept the paint better. Another aspect of the prepping stage is to tighten up any strands that have come loose or to completely cut them off as long as they don’t compromise the integrity of the furniture or the wicker strands as a whole. The below image is after I sanded the wicker chair down.

Wicker furniture before the makeover.

Step Two: Painting the Wicker

Once you’ve sanded everything down, it’s now time to go ahead and paint your wicker. First, I tried painting the wicker with a brush and paint that I already had. This took FOREVER. I would not recommend it in any way shape or form because there is just no way that a paint brush can get into all the nooks and crannies. I eventually turned to spray paint in the same color and took off like a rocket! I had to do several coats yes, but what would have taken days to paint, took maybe an hour for the first coat. After it dried I flipped the chair over and spray painted it from the bottom. Then, I just went back over it with more spray paint and hit those areas that were still white. This took several passes because it would look fully covered from one angle and then you would still see the white paint through another angle.

Wicker furniture after the makeover!

The overall color and look is exactly what I was going for. I’m not the biggest fan of the floral print but they were free and they are still in fantastic shape so I really don’t care! The new color matches the print (at least I think so) so I’m good! You can sit on them without the cushions as well.

Finished wicker chair and couch set

I’m not finished with the love seat, as it needs the bottom painted and the legs painted again but it’s to a point to where I can at least get them outside. I also have a coffee table (I know, a three piece wicket set for free!) I just haven’t gotten there yet.

At the end of the day, I had to use 7 cans of spray paint at about $5 per can. That’s around $35. Buying a whole new three piece wicker set would have been in the hundreds of dollars so either way, I’m ahead of the game!

Check out our Video on How to Refinish Wicker

Laying Down Sod Grass
Outdoor Projects

How to Put Down Grass Sod

Whether you have a full yard of dirt or you have just have some sports you need to fill in, laying sod isn’t something that is typically done every day or sometimes at all in the life of a homeowner. We’re here to show you how to do it yourself and save at least 50%, if not more, in installation costs! It’s not rocket science people, you can do it! And we’re here to help.

What You Will Need

  1. Pallets of sod grass
  2. Gloves
  3. Sheet rock knife (aka Jab Saw)
  4. Sprinklers (either in ground or manual ones)
Sod pallets

When we first moved into our current house, it was a completely blank slate yard wise. Not a blade of grass to be seen. That’s because it was a brand new house and we negotiated the price down so the builder removed the landscape package to save money. Fine by me! That way I’ll know the type of grass that’s put in. Sometimes when you get those landscape packages from builders, it can be the bottom of the barrel grass. Not all the time, but sometimes. Here in Texas, grass is a luxury not a given. If you pick the wrong grass, it won’t stand up to the weather. We’ve got a great grass farm near by so we were able to chat with them about the different types.

Sod pallet delivery truck

Here in Texas, if you’re going to lay down sod, the best choice is Bermuda because it’s able to put up with such differences in weather from hot to cold from dry to wet. Texas has all of those, in abundance. In regards to the types of Bermuda grass, lets be honest, there are many different types. Those available to us are Tiff 419, Northbridge and Zoysia (Zoy-sha).

Good to Note: Different parts of the country have different types of sod grass. It’s best to check with your local grass farm to see which works best for your yard!

According to our local grass farm, Tiff 419, while a good Bermuda grass, won’t bounce back as well as the others if hit with extreme hot or cold temperatures or drought/excessive rain conditions. It will come back, but you may have grass that looks “dead” while it’s recovering.

Northbridge, which can be the same or just a little more in price than the Tiff 419 and will tolerate those extreme changes in temperatures and drought conditions a bit better. Meaning if you have a week of temperatures over 100 and you don’t water it, it will start to turn brown (as any grass would) but it won’t totally die on you and will return to it’s vigor in a quicker time. For Northbridge, and with Tiff 419 to be honest, the best bet is to make sure you water it as needed. Northbridge will also tolerate an overabundance of water as well without dying where the Tiff 419 may get waterlogged and won’t tolerate it as well.

Second delivery of sod grass

Now to Zoysia (Zoy-sha). If you’ve ever watched the Masters golf tournament, you’ve seen Zoysia. It’s that green carpet looking grass that is green even in the winter. This is the Rolls-Royce of Bermuda grass and can cost twice as much as the Tiff 419 and Northbridge. But it’s worth it’s weight in gold, let me tell you. Zoysia can take anything you throw at it. Rain, no rain, sleet, hail, snow, hot temperatures, cold temperatures, you name it. We drive by the grass farm just about once a week as we’re coming home from our Saturday night date night and I swear to you, from January to December, you can tell where they have Zoysia planted because it is green almost all year long. It’s amazing.

What are these prices you say? Well, pricing is going to vary between every grass farmer but you should expect to pay anywhere from $125-500 per pallet depending upon the type of Bermuda grass and the size of the pallet. Pallets range from 450-500 yards per pallet.

Sod pallet rolls

We received quotes for a company to put the grass down for us and quotes of what it would cost to do it out selves. As you can imagine, you save A LOT of money if you can do it yourself…close to 50% if not more.

For us, we went the middle of the road and chose the Northbridge. We ended up getting 16 pallets at around $220 per pallet at 450 square feet each. They also delivered it for us for about $65. That was well worth it. We’ve since ordered several more smaller orders and we’ve never been let down! Overall the cost for the 16 pallets was about $3,500. If we would have had a company install it for us, we would have gotten less grass for more money. In this case, about only 75% of what we wanted for $7,500. It was a no brainier to do it ourselves.

Massive tip: The best time of year to lay sod is in the spring. If you lay it after that you are fighting with one hundred different things from heat, lack of or too much rain, weeds that are in it’s rampant growing stage, etc. Also, the grass itself is braced for the weather, not for cutting and the weather, so it can take a bit for it to bounce back if you lay it outside of the spring time period. This is another thing to consider when wondering which type you want to get.

Step One: What to do First

Depending upon who you ask, you may have different opinions on what should be done first to prepare your yard for laying down sod. Some may say you need to till up all of the dirt, others may say you need to add a top soil over all of it, some say to spray it to kill the weeds, some say nothing.

We had nothing but acres of weeds during our first run of putting down sod (literally acres of weeds), so we decided to rent a small tractor with a tiller and till up all of the weeds. Knowing what I know now, if you have mostly dirt with weeds, the sod pieces are so thick, you can just mow the weeds down as low as you can go and place the sod right on top and call it a day. The sod pieces are so thick (or they should be) that they will literally smother the weeds underneath and kill them. So no need for a top soil, no need for tilling or spraying. I really would not recommend killing the weeds with a weed killer spray. That will make your soil toxic and can harm the brand new sod you’ll be putting down.

Tilling up the yard with our yard tractor.

Full disclosure, we are not landscape experts, we’re just do it yourself homeowners with some experience. We also hire a turf company to come out and spray the yard once a month for weed control during the summer months, then once in the fall and spring. BUT remember, let your crew know you have new grass so they can spray accordingly. Applying any type of lawn maintenance to sod that’s just been cut and laid could damage it because it might get a double dose of fertilizer. Your landscape crew, if told, should know how to handle the grass that’s less established.

Step Two: Laying Down the Sod

Once you’d prepared your base (or not) you’re ready to lay down the sod.

  1. Steps to layout sod:
    1. Pick up sod
    2. Lay it on the ground
    3. Pick up sod
    4. Lay it on the ground
    5. Rinse and repeat, times 100,000

Laying down sod is ridiculously easy, it’s just more laborious than anything else. Grass sod can also come in a variety of sizes from 2×4 feet pieces to 1×2 feet pieces. And I’m sure other grass farmers will cut them in different ways. The thing to know is that you can request them to be cut in a certain way. Why does this matter you say? Well, after a few pieces it doesn’t matter but after hundreds to thousands of pieces, it really really does. I have some back and stomach muscle issues so the 1×2 feet pieces are perfect for me because they are lighter and easier to manage. If you don’t have those issues, you can really knock out some square footage with the bigger pieces but know this, they will be heavy! Those 2×4 feet pieces, even when dry, will weight at least 40-45 pounds. If they’re wet, goodnight, they will been even heavier than that! The 1×2 feet pieces, even our kids were able to help which made the job even quicker. Granted I didn’t do those the first time but still, it’s good to know.

Laying down the first pieces of grass sod.

Once you start laying down your sod, you need to just keep going. Putting one end on the other. It’s not like flooring to where you have to square off and make it a perfectly straight line before you start. It’s not rocket science either. Just lay those suckers down. They will grow into each other making all of your planning for perfectness, unnecessary. The best bet is to just start at one point and keep going. If you get to a point where you need to cut your grass to make it fit, we’ve found that a sheet rock knife (aka jab saw) will do wonders for you. It takes a little elbow grease but you can cut the pieces exactly how you need them. Like butta!

Mid way through laying down sod grass.

The biggest tip I can give you once you are finished laying down your sod is to water, water, water! You will lose your grass quicker than anything if you do not water it right after it’s installed. Sure it’s resilient, but after it’s cut, it’s in what’s called a “trauma” stage. It’s traumatized from being cut from the ground and will pull back to protect itself. It is more susceptible to dying than ever before in this stage!!

How to water sod grass.

We do not have an in-ground sprinkler system so we use the old tried and true oscillating sprinkler. It’s some work but if it keeps the grass alive, so I’m all for it. The best tip I can give you is to make sure you water your sod every day for the first week for at least 10-15 minutes in each section. Then after the first week you should be able to drop down to every other day watering. This all depends upon what time of year you put down your sod and your current weather conditions, but either way, watering should be a major element of your care, after installation.

How dogs enjoy sod grass.

To put down 16 pallets of grass, that were about 450 square feet each, it took us at least three full days, morning, noon, and night. We’ve picked up one pallet here and there and just a few weeks ago put six more pallets down. That took about three days as well but that was because my husband had to work and the kids had school so it was just me during the day and my husband and I at night. I forgot to tell the grass farm to cut them in smaller pieces so it was rough. But we got it finished!

UPDATE: Here is an image of the grass about 2 years later! We’ve had to water it several times as the weather got hotter but it’s been fantastic. We added a fire pit and just put grass down around it. Loving it!

Two years after putting down sod grass.
Other side of the yard after putting down sod grass.

I hope this helps you with your sod grass project! Please share, or leave a comment if you have any questions! We’d love to hear from you. Stay tuned for a short video showing you some fun time lapse video.